Liquid Helium Dewars
Designed for minimum-loss storage, transportation and dispensing of liquid helium. Our state-of-the-art vapor-cooled multishield technology with superinsulation ensures the lowest guaranteed loss rates*. The advanced insulation system results in quicker, more efficient cool down without nitrogen pre-cooling. Since there’s no LN 2 or helium gas circulation shielding, the CMSH is virtually maintenance free. Its a lighter, more compact and convenient replacement to traditional 4-walled helium containers.
Features of Liquid Helium Dewars
- No liquid nitrogen shielding or helium gas circulation required
- Lightweight but rugged construction stands up to trucking and everyday abuse
- Suitable for air transport
- All welded construction
- Lowest loss rates in the industry
- All units equipped with integral caster base
- Easily removable and interchangeable manifolds
- Applications include Distribution, Research and Liquefaction
We can supply Sizes up to 5000 liters.